A pop of detail to start your day...
This lush marquetry (inlaid wood) panel is mounted on a French circa 1700 armoire made by court designer Andre Charles Boulle. His surname has become synonymous with rich inlays. A piece of furniture inlaid with tortoiseshell and engraved metals is known as "boullework" wether it was made in the 17th century or last Tuesday...
It is over the top but is a complete tour de force, the lower two panels in particular are what we classically know as boullework. The floral marquetry thew me for a loop as I usually associate it with Flemish tables...but I digress.
It really is amazing, especially the butterflies and detail achieved to the parakeets. When new the inlays would have been dyed in naturalistic tones.
This detail of the corner shows horn that has been flattened and painted blue to the verso and inlaid with metals. I had to make sure it wasn't lapis. Very wild, but surprisingly the pop of color works. Until next time. -AR
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